Provide 5V or direct output (optional by using jumper) ouput for powering camera.
* When it is set to direct output mode, the output volage will be same as the transmitter's main power input voltage, so do make sure your camera input voltage is compatible with your main battery voltage when use the direct output mode.
AOMWAY 5.8G 32CH 1000mW A/V Transmitter (VTX)
Transmitter channel number: 32-ch Power input: 9-16V DC Transmitting power: 1000mW Transmitting current: 700mA @12V Audio: stereo (left and right channels are separated) Transmitter unit Dimension: 60 x 33x 20mm Weight: 43g (excluding antenna) Antenna connection: SMA jack (modules side) Refer to here for connector type diagram
Includes: 1 x transmitting module (TX only) 1 x 5db antenna 1 x power cable 1 x video cable
Requires: 1 x Receiver
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