This is the A/V transmitting unit only, a good choice for avoiding interference for customers using 2.4G radio system.
FPV 5.8G 200mW A/V Transmitting unit Transmitting unit weight: 34.5g Power input: 12V ± 5% Receiving current: 100mA Transmitting current: 100mA Transmitter Channel number: 8-ch Antenna gain: 3db Video signal resistance: 75Ω Antenna connection: RP-SMA jack (module side) Refer to here for connector type diagram
Details of channel frequencies of the transmitter: CH1: 5705 CH2:5685 CH3:5665 CH4:5645 CH5:5885 CH6:5905 CH7:5925 CH8:5945
Includes: 1 x transmitting unit 1 x cable set
* No instruction manual supplied with this product. * This is a transmitter device only, receiver to be purchased separately.
Customer Reviews:
Average Customer Review: 1 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
Grade: It is a very good video transmitter : five stars ! August 10 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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