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   FPV/ Aerial Photography Telemetry/ Data logger Hobbywing S.BUS2 Telemetry Adapter for FUTABA Radio system
Hobbywing S.BUS2 Telemetry Adapter for FUTABA Radio system
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  Tags: Hobbywing  S.BUS2  Telemetry  Adapter  for  FUTABA  Radio  system 


This adapter is suitable for Platinum V4/4.1/ 5 series or later with data backhaul function. The electronic governor is connected to the Futaba receiver that supports the S.BUS2 protocol, enabling the ESC to transmit Telemetry data to the Futaba Radio in real-time displaying the functions.


Hobbywing S.BUS2 Telemetry Adapter for FUTABA Radio system

Manufacturer product code: 30850500

1 x  Hobbywing S.BUS2 Telemetry Adapter for FUTABA Radio system
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