Average Customer Review: 5 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
Question : can we use this for Saito FG20 SAIG20120 - it requires 1/4-32... July 04 2017 Was this question helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: CANDLE? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ESSE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR ME MATA DE RIR! CANDLE é vela de parafina! KKKKKKK Vc quis dizer SPARK PLUG! kkkkkkkkkk November 15 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: All glow plugs threads are 1/4"-32 (UNEF), and this fits perfect in a glow engine.
Pichi March 25 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Question : Is this plug used in GT9 ?? February 25 2012 Was this question helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Discussion of this question:
Yes... Is this for GT9 -- May 26 2012 by e****tos4
C****�dio Hneirque da
Grade: This candle has the same thread used in the candle glow engines? Claudio Henrique (Parnamirim / RN Brazil) December 21 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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