The Muscle Pipe 5 has great power throughout the RPM range, low noise and tunes even easier than before. Comes with everything you need to mount in a simple and durable one-piece design. Runs great on both OS and YS motors.
Overall length: 220 mm
Diameter: 50mm
Interface outer size: 45 x 14mm
Interface inner size: 24.8 x 6.6mm (approx.)
This pipe come in plain white box packing, without the outer color packing.
Customer Reviews:
Average Customer Review: 2 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
Grade: Superb pipe for an OS50 engine, great price and very fast delivery to the UK (6 days). 10/10 August 11 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: SKU: MP5-50
Hello I wonder if this will exhaust motor goes to Raptor V2 39 H
or if they could give me the measurements of the collector, width, distance between screws, length, thanks. October 30 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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