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   Radios Radio Sets RF Module / Receivers & Accy 2.4G Futaba 7-Channle FASST Receiver R617FS
SKU:  R617FS
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2.4G Futaba 7-Channle FASST Receiver R617FS
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  Tags: 2.4G  Futaba  7-Channle  FASST  Receiver  R617FS 

●High sensitivity receiver weighs only 9.8g without case yet is a full range system for all aircraft from giant scale to park flyer applications, no need to buy separate receiver for specific aircraft.
●Dual Antenna Diversity allows 2.4GHz FASST Futaba transmitter to select the best reception between the two receiver antennas with no signal loss.
●Rubber grommets installed where antennas exit to eliminate stress and fraying of the two antenna wires
Receiver: FASST Receiver R617FS 2.4G
Size: 41.6 x 27.5 x 9.2mm
Power Requirement: 4.8 - 6V
Current Drain: 80mA (at no signal)
Weight: 9.8g

Transmitters TM-7 TM-8 TM-10 TM-14
7U Yes Yes . .
8U Yes Yes . .
9C Yes Yes . .
9Z Yes Yes . .
T10C Yes Yes Yes .
12FG . . . Yes
12Z . . . Yes
14MZ . . . Yes

Transmitters R603FF R603FS R604FS R606FS R616FFM R607FS R617FS R608FS R6014FS Protocol Selection
3PM 2.4GHz Yes Yes . . . . . . . .
3PKS 2.4GHz Yes Yes . . . . . . . .
3VCS 2.4GHz Yes Yes . . . . . . . .
3GR 2.4GHz Yes Yes . . . . . . . .
4PK 2.4GHz 3ch Mode Yes Yes . . . . . . . Via Screen Selection
4ch Mode . . Yes . . . . . . Via Screen Selection
6EX 2.4GHz . . . Yes Yes Yes Yes . . .
7C 2.4GHz . . . Yes Yes Yes Yes . . .
TM-7(*) . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . .
TM-8(**) 7ch Mode . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . Via Switch
8ch Mode . . . . . . . Yes Yes Via Switch
T10C 2.4GHz
(with TM-10)
7ch Mode . . . Yes Yes Yes Yes . . Via Screen Selection
Multi-channel Mode . . . . . . . Yes Yes Via Screen Selection
TM-14 7ch Mode . . . Yes Yes Yes Yes . . Via Screen Selection
Multi-channel Mode . . . . . . . Yes Yes Via Screen Selection

(*)(**) Set the transmitter's modulation as "PPM" to use the TM-7, TM-8.
(**) With selection of "7ch" or "8ch" mode via switch, the receivers above listed are available.
With R6014FS, available channel is limted as 8ch since the transmitter's limitation. With T7U, the R608FS and R6014FS are available with "8ch" mode but available channel is limited as 7ch since the transmitter's limitation.
1 x FASST Receiver R617FS 2.4G
Customer Reviews:
Average Customer Review: 5 stars   3 customer review(s).   [Write a review/question]

No problems. Good product. Works well.
August 16 2009     Was this review helpful to you?   Yes [ 0 ]   No [ 0 ]    [Reply this review]

Works very well with TM8 module installed in Futaba FC 28 Transmitter
August 11 2009     Was this review helpful to you?   Yes [ 0 ]   No [ 0 ]    [Reply this review]

Excelente receiver.
No problems, no interference, low drain.
February 12 2009     Was this review helpful to you?   Yes [ 0 ]   No [ 0 ]    [Reply this review]

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