Average Customer Review: 3 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
Grade: I added the FrSky hack-on module to my JR2720 Tx and installed the V8FR in a 0.57 powered nitro sports model. Took the plane up about 200m and shut off the Tx. The model started to spiral down as expected. Switched the Tx on with instantaneous resumption of control. Repeated the whole procedure 4 times. Worked every time. The FrSky system has gained my full confidence. September 12 2010 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Grade: I have a few of these receivers now,as solid as a rock in my electrics,no glitches no problems and seem to be more responcive than my 36meg.Binding is not a problem,all i need now is for FRSKY to make a radio. July 18 2010 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Love this setup. Commented in the section on the Futaba Tx combo. Great little receiver and Tx module. Range and reception is fantastic. Great price as well. I will be buying more of these and the 7 channel Rx when it is available (hopefully by early April). March 26 2010 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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