Tree-like Multilayer Menu, human oriented design, easy controlling
Excellent white LED backlight, less visual tiredness
132 x 64 FSTN LCD screen
7 point curve (in any X and Y direction edition), easy complex curve adjustment
Data transfer function, easy teaching and learning
Multi-function, intuitive data setting, easy checking
1 x transmitter
1 x WFR09S receiver
* Transmitter manual language: English
* Come in foam packing, without outer color box.
The major difference between the standard version (SKU 0824EN) and the Super Edition (SKU SU0824EN) is the resolution, the standard version is 1024 resolution, and the Super Edition support up to 4096 resolution.
Customer Reviews:
Average Customer Review: 6 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
fatboy hobbies
Grade: As I said not all the review was down loaded; they left a couple lines off. Both mode 2 and 1 is available. My major gripe with this radio is the screen is far too small to see well; however, if you get the WFT09 model, it has a decent size screen. December 11 2013 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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f****oy hobbies
Grade: This was my first radio entering r/c after being out of the hobby for many years. Very function-able, having main function switches within easy reach; using Assan module and receivers which are reliable, range is excellent; fellow modeller tested the range at 2 km, on the ground. Radio is o.k. to program, had to read up on the manual for some programming; not as user friendly as my JR. I also use this radio on my simulator. Mode 1 December 11 2013 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Discussion of this review:
Not all my review was submitted, here is the rest of it. Mode 1 -- Dec 11 2013 by f****oy hobbies
Grade: Dear Seller,
your transmitter radio is in mode 1 or 2?
It is possible to choose the mode?
thank you
filippo - italy November 16 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Dear seller,
what is the maximum range of this sistem? September 30 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Is it possible to connect this transmitter to the PC? If so, how? August 01 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Dear seller,
does this transmitter have the mix functions like aileron/elevator, crow(butterfly), free mixes etc.?
And also revers, adjustable tracks ....
If yes, I want to buy it today!
Thanks, Ondrej August 13 2010 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Discussion of this review:
yes it does everything -- Sep 12 2010 by j****0y
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