1. 12-bit microprocessor design can control the voltage accurately
2. Discharging Balance Technology.
3. Balances 2- to 6-cell LiPo or LiFePo battery packs.
4. Works with LiPo and LiFePo(A123) chargers.
5. With LED indicators to show the balanced status for each cell
6. With fuse protection
a.CAUTION:Do not attach battery's power terminal to No. 3838's BATTERY CONNECTOR, when Balancer No. 3838 is on STAND ALONE BALANCE MODE. Only battery's balance connector is needed.
b.If the voltage of any cell is below 3.1V(LiPo barrery)/2.1V(LiFePo battery),balancer will not function and all LED indicators will go off.
1 x Balancer.
1 x Chinese/English manuals.
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