RadioLink M8N GPS Module TS100 W/ Compass for Mini PIX F4
Size: 32*30*12mm Weight: 20g Positional accuracy: 50 centimeter precision when working with concurrent GNSS Velocity precision: 0.1m/s Max height: 50000m Max speed: 515m/s Max acceleration: 4G Max update rate: up to 10Hz
Sensitivity: Tracking & Nav.: -167dBm, Reacquisition: -163dBm Cold start: -151dBm, Hot start: -159dBm Time to first fix: Cold start: 26s, Hot start: 1s
Connect ports: Power supply: voltage 5VDC+-5%, current 50~55mA
Ports: A. GPS UART interface baud rate: 1.2K/4.8K/9.6K/19.2K/38.4K/57.6K/112.5K B. Geomagnetic I2C interface
Includes: 1 x RadioLink M8N GPS Module TS100
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