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SKU:  GSM020
SKYRC GNSS (GPS+GLONASS) Performance Analyzer GSM020
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  Tags: SKYRC  GNSS  GPS  GLONASS  Performance  Analyzer  GSM020 

How many times have you buddy mocked you were bragging your RC machine goes over 100-blah-blah mph? We're betting too many times. So there are few ways to prove your RC car or plane is the fastest on earth. Now SkyRC delivers an app-enabled GNSS Performance Analyzer in an affordable and compact design.RC gurus now have a cutting edge gauge to measure the overall performance of their RC gadgets accurately. Just use an app on your smartphone, strap it to your car, and track the speed. You can mount to almost any RC vehicle, and it does a lot more than just display speed.

To tell the truth before and after modifications.
Knowledge is power! By knowing the facts before and after modifications, your efforts will not be in vain. GNSS Performance Meter will help you make sense of the improvements and help you make educated decisions to make sure you’re not spinning your wheels. For everyone trying to gauge their performance, here's an affordable way to do just that. Just got some new mods installed? Get some real feedback, really quickly. This is a professional-grade instrument accessible to enthusiasts. It’s every modeler’s dream. Enjoy!

Improved accuracy by tracking two satellite constellations

The GNSS Performance Analyzer supports GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) with GPS and GLONASS system that means more satellites are orbiting the earth. The advantage of this many satellites will definitely improve positional accuracy by tracking two satellite constellations instead of just GPS.

Small but Versatile

GNSS Performance Analyzer(GSM020) allows you to measure and analyze many aspects of your RC car & airplane’s performance using the latest GNSS engine (GPS, GLONASS) which gives you Acceleration, G-force, Speed, Time, Distance, High and Vertical Velocity. With its compact dimension of 40mm x 40mm x 17mm and internal antenna, it is an ideal choice for mounting on RC vehicles & airplanes.
Case Size: 40 x 39 x 16mm Weight: 38g

Peace of mind with built-in liPo battery

The 5 hours' up-time on the built-in rechargeable LiPo battery can give enough racing time to RC drivers or pilots in the field! With the micro USB charging port, it is very convenient to connect it to a USB port or another compatible USB power source for charging.

Go mobile with the app - RC Gears

Built-in 1M Memory

The built-in 1M memory can record up to 50 records. And all the data can be transferred to the smartphone for analyzing! When the Flash is full, the previous record will be replaced automatically. Now you don't have to think about clearing data all the time or worry about missing the critical tracking data when the memory is full.

Support both Metric and Imperial system of Measurement

SKYRC GNSS (GPS+GLONASS) Performance Analyzer GSM020

1 x SKYRC GNSS Performance Analyzer GSM020
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