* Break will be activated when there is no throttle output, to prevent the crawler move due to Earth gravity.
* Throttle neutral position auto-calibration.
* Smooth output especially at low speed.
* Low inner resistance.
Size: 45mm x 31mm x 20mm
Weight: 88g
Working voltage: 5V to 17V
Working current: 150A max
BEC: 5V /1A
*This ESC is for brushed motor, and for crawler car.
Customer Reviews:
Average Customer Review: 10 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
Grade: i cant understand russian;
is this esc has reverse?
can run 55T motor or what is motor limit?
have got drag brake?
is it in stock? if yes how can i buy and shipping cost to turkey?
can i pay with paypal on ebay? July 15 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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no, yes
no -- Oct 06 2011 by z****tuhinsv
Grade: Блин, короче, страница 311, верхнее сообщение. ШИМ за сервотестером воткнул May 23 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Я вот так сделал http://www.rusfishing.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=290 May 23 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Я, кстати, этот ШИМ тоже для этого брал!!! Воткнул в Ниссамаран 36. Отпишись на http://www.rusfishing.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=290 May 23 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Нормально, на рыбацкую лодку поставили, работает отлично!
Саше из Новосибирска привет от Краснодара May 14 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Это я, Саша из Новосибирска :) February 17 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Grade: А кто тут такой умный, по русски так хорошо отвечает!? February 16 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Да, Золотухин, реверс есть. February 10 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Grade: This ESC with Riverce???? February 07 2011 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: have reverse ??? December 25 2010 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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