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   Electric (Brushless) Motors & Accessories Electric Brushless Motors - Outrunner EAGLEPOWER EA4114 320KV 4-6S Outrunner Brushless Motor
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SKU:  LA4008S32
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EAGLEPOWER EA4114 320KV 4-6S Outrunner Brushless Motor
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  Tags: EAGLEPOWER  EA4114  320KV  4-6S  Outrunner  Brushless  Motor 

reinforced corners: Strong stability during the heavy exercises and strength of the exposed property, you can get a better performance than your money.
remote control: Strong stability and shock absorption, the remote control of the tubing will not fall off during operation.
sharp blade: Strong and durable blade, smooth operation, good heat dissipation performance.
metal: Strong metal body, durable for long time use.

EAGLEPOWER EA4114 320KV 4-6S Outrunner Brushless Motor

Motor model: EA4114
Structure type: 24N22P
weight :160g
Stator core size: φ41*14 mm
Dimensions: φ47.5*31 mm
Spindle diameter: φ6 mm
Dynamic balance standard: ≤8mg
Motor protection level: IP45

1 x motor
1 x M6 prop adaptors
1 x self-lock nut
1 x screw bag    

* Price is for one motor (not 2pcs). 
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