ETTI 150A Power Analyzer
It can analyze the Battery condition,capacity, coulometry, current drawn ,motor rpm and the run time of your boat inthe water. It can make you easier to set up the boat according to the data of Power Analyzer.
The ETTI power analyzer allows you to track the use of power in your boat. The analyzer interfaces directly with ETTI Race series ESCs to record rpm information. The two 10 guage wires are connected between the cell pack and the ESC. A sturdy lakeside monitor can be plugged in to read out the info at the lakeside - or an interface board allows the unit to be connected to a PC via a USB cable (supplied). Supplied software allows you to download the data and analyse/save it on your PC,
1 x Power analyzer
1 x RS232 to USB adaptor/card
1 x portable display/control box
1 x USB cable
1 x software disk
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