Simply add the item(s) you are interested in into your shopping cart, the order system will calculate the shipping costs of different shipping methods for you.
If you are logged in, the system will use the country/region in your account profile as destination country, and if you are not logged in, the system will determine your country/region by your IP address, if you find the country/region the system used for calculating shipping costs is incorrect, you can manually select the country from drop-down list, then the system will re-calculate the shipping costs according to the country/region you select.

This page will display each time when you add new item(s), or you can click the link "My Cart" on top of each page if you want to check the shipping costs for items already in your shopping cart.
*Please note that the freights calculated by the system are approximate only, and subject to change when necessary. *Remote area delivery extra fee may be charged when use DHL/Fedex in case your address is clarified as remote area in DHL/Fedex services, this can only be verified by calling the shippers when we receive your order from the order system. |