This is a new generation of small gas quality engine, it combines the advantages of both Nitro and gasoline engines, compact in size, light weight, fuel economy, reliable and powerful.
Engine Type: Gasoline Two-stroke, Air Cooled
Displacement (cc): 9.07cc
Bore x stroke (mm): 23.35 x 21.2
Carburetor: NGH made 60G needle with pump membrane
Max output: 0.8HP@15000RPM
RPM Range: 2600-15000RPM
Ignition: Auto advanced Rcexl DC-CDI with special spark plug cap
Spark plug type: 1/4 x 32 Rcexl
Ignition Power: 4.8V
Lubrication Oil: 2 cycle engine Oil API TC/JASO FD or better specs. (Mobil + M2T)
Break-in fuel oil ratio: 20:1 (5%)
General use fuel: 25:1 (4%) (Oil percentage can not less than 4%)
Recommended propellers: 10 x 6 to 12x6 (two blades)
Weight: 425g (without ignition)
545g complete
Hint & resources:
The GT9 engine is (one of) smallest petrol engine, it is quite different to conventional bigger size petrol engines in tuning, and also quite different to those Nitro engines, so you experience on bigger petrol engines or Nitro engines may not apply to this GT9 engine, so please do read the special instruction manuals carefully.
Also the each engine has been tested at factory, so please do not change the factory default setting freely, and mark out the original position is a good idea when you really need to adjust it.
Refer to below links for some hints on tuning and installation:
Average Customer Review: 11 customer review(s).[Write a review/question]
A****ar Monteiro
Grade: A bomba de combustivel pode ser colocada fora do motor: se alguen souber
me responda por favor. January 10 2013 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Discussion of this review:
No manual dele esta que o tamanho maximo da mangueira que vai da bomba ao motor deve ter 8,5cm -- Mar 02 2013 by k****rek
Ola , eu assisti um video do fabricante onde ele fala que a bomba deve ficar o mais proximo possivel do motor. eu instalei minha bomba na mesma furação onde fixa o bloco do motor no montante. Att Artal -- Jul 06 2015 by a****l
Grade: I installed a carburetor Walbro on the engine NGH GT9.
The engine was run well. November 26 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Hello, I CAN NOT SET THE ENGINE, PLEASE I NEED HELP! April 15 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Discussion of this review:
I received the NGH GT9 gasoline engine.It arrived to me without that called oil box which is a fuel pump.Is this pump necessary for the engine? Was that supposed to arrive with the engine? Is it a spare part?
HiModel does not make it clear.
Someone who knows to tell me... -- May 10 2012 by c****pit2
My engine had the fuel pump in the box.
There is a way around it and I have found that the engine runs better without it. Buy a JBA .46 Muffler (pitts or standard) and use the pressure nipple in the same way as you would for a nitro motor.
This also stops air bubbles in the line that alot have complained about.
A Member of LMAA NZ -- Jun 07 2012 by t****id
The fuel pump should be included.
However run it will run better if you set up as you would a nitro motor and run a hose from the muffler.
There is some debate about the safety but I have not ever had any problems. -- Sep 20 2014 by t****id
Grade: The engine I received would not start however I found that the spark plug had no gap.Once I set the gap to .25mm the motor started, allowing me to make fine adjustments to the high and low needle valve settings.
I am so impressed with this motor I am now looking at converting my other 2 March 17 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Grade: Otimo motor, deu um pouco de trabalho nas primeiras partidas mas foi resolvido com ajuste nas agulhas e ta rodando super bem. Otimo motor, bastante economico e tem a força de um glow 55 quando bem amaciado. March 15 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 0 ]
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Dear sirs.
Idont understand your trading policies. As many modelist in Turkey are buying goods from Asıan markets your shipping method and cost are being hinderence .I think this situatıon may be considered and find a solution.
Best regards
MUSTAFA ZEKI KIRAL. March 13 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 2 ]
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Discussion of this review:
You should refer this to the courier / government postal company, not Hi Models -- Apr 19 2012 by K****lala
Grade: el aceite más recomendado es elf que contiene aceite de ricino desgomado o (castor) que es el mismo, sobre la base de aceite elf que es sintetico, dandole mucha proteccion a la biela y a los rodamientos a altas revoluciones, paramotorc.
most recommended oil elf containing castor oil or degummed (castor) which is the same, based on synthetic oil is elf, giving much protection to the connecting rod bearings and high revs, paramotorc. March 04 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Grade: Estabamos esperando este motor toda la vida es excelente si le instala una helice 12X4 o 12X5 y una pipa tuned pipe mac products 1250 quedaria dando mucha potencia, y unas minimas de cuatro tiempos, March 04 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 2 ]
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Discussion of this review:
Es muy importante en este motor que la bomba quede tan cerca del carburador como sea posible, utilice una helice 12X4 ó 12X5 Master, un tuned pipe 1250 de Mac Products y funcionara perfectotanto en alta como en minima, esta es la hélice que yo recomiendo. No te defraudara este motor. -- Mar 04 2012 by p****motorc
what rpm are yuo getting with the 12x6 prop? -- Mar 04 2012 by b****toman
I mean 12x5 -- Mar 04 2012 by b****toman
Question : What is that fuel little box? Is it a fuel pump? Thanks for an explanation from one who knows. March 02 2012 Was this question helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Yes it is a fuel pump. It must be connected to the nipple at the rear of the motor. -- Mar 17 2012 by t****id
Grade: Yesterday, my engine came and it did not start at all even when all standard operating procedure is followed.
Now taking up with Himodel. February 16 2012 Was this review helpful to you? Yes [ 1 ]
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Discussion of this review:
I had the same problem, however I found the spark plug had no gap.
Once I set the gap to .25mm the motor started. -- Mar 17 2012 by t****id
My spark plug also had no gap but once reset .025 the motor burst into life with the first spin of the prop. -- Oct 14 2013 by t****id
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