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   Engines Engines - Airplanes Gas/Petrol Powered Engines & Accessories Rcexl Ignition Tachometer for Petroal/Gas Engine V2.0
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Rcexl Ignition Tachometer for Petroal/Gas Engine V2.0
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    $7.76   In stock
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  Tags: Petrol engine  ignition tachometer 

1. Use PIC16f628a microcontrollers
2. Do not need batteries,Power from the ignition
3. Standard FUTABA plug(Black-Negative Red-Positive and White-Signal)
4. Using high-brightness LED digital tube.
5. Input voltage range:3.0V-12V
6. Current consumption 25mA-60mA
7. Mini tachometer indicates up to 30000 rpm
8. Actual RPM= Display Digital *10
9. Body Size: 54mm L x 20mm W x 16mm H
10.Window Size: 30mm L x 15mm H
11.Weight:15g (0.5OZ)
1.The Y wiring tandem between in the HALL sensor and the ignition.
2.The tachometer plug the other end with Y wire.
3.Connected to ignition power supply and can be displayed
That connecting plugs do Reinforcement. To prevent vibration.
The hall sensor & tachometer wire Leave from the Ignition high-voltage wire,
And receiver wires over 30cm
Connection tachometer is not recommended after the use of flight,
Best to remove the Y wire to restore the original sensor connection
If ignition have an additional tachometer pinout.
You must be connected to dedicated tachometer signal wire.

Can not guarantee that other types of ignition can use the tachometer And guarantee accuracy
Customer Reviews:
Average Customer Review: 4 stars   3 customer review(s).   [Write a review/question]

Question :
it says "Connection tachometer is not recommended after the use of flight"

Does it mean it cannot be used during flight or we must disconnect it after every flight?
May 08 2012     Was this question helpful to you?   Yes [ 2 ]   No [ 0 ]    [Reply this question]
Discussion of this question:
If you have an older ignition you may not have a tachometer line-out you would need to why harness into the Hall sensor. Once done either with a wire harness or a separate line it works fine in flight.
-- Mar 28 2017 by s****kyrc

This RPM tachometer must be used with CDI ignition system
April 13 2010     Was this review helpful to you?   Yes [ 1 ]   No [ 1 ]    [Reply this review]

him I bought the element in order to I measure the turns of engine and my it worked .and I ask, him they try front him they send?

March 07 2010     Was this review helpful to you?   Yes [ 2 ]   No [ 6 ]    [Reply this review]

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